*Articles (Peer reviewed)
28. (with Luiza Bizzo Affonso) ZOPACAS and its relationship with Brazilian foreign policy: promises, turbulence and opportunities in the new Lula da Silva Government. Cadernos Adenauer, Ano XXIV, n. 2, 2023, p. 97-113. [In Portuguese]
27. (with Luiza Bizzo Affonso) International Cooperation and Insecurity in the Gulf of Guinea: Towards ocean governance?. Revista Marítima Brasileira, n. 143, 2023, p. 139-154. [In Portuguese]
26. (with Daniel Edler Duarte) “A Constructivist Approach to Maritime Spaces”. E-International Relations, September 11, 2021.
25. (with Walter Maurício Miranda and Alexandre Rocha Violante) “The Articulation between Diplomacy and Military Power in the Great Strategies of Rio Branco and Amorim“. Coleção Meira Mattos, v. 15, n. 53, May/ August 2021, p. 185-205. https://doi.org/10.52781/cmm.a048
24. (with Daniel Edler Duarte) “Securitising COVID-19? The politics of global health and the limits of the Copenhagen School”. Contexto Internacional, 2021, v. 43, n. 2, 2021, p. 235-257. http://doi.org/10.1590/S0102-8529.2019430200001
23. (With Bruno Carvalho) A pele do Leviatã e a geopolítica do vírus: a noosfera como território político dos afetos. Sul Global, v. 2, n. 1, 2021, p. 111-139. [In Portuguese]
22. Simulations and Pop Culture as tools to teach International Relations. Estudos Internacionais, v. 8, n. 1, 2020, p. 27-43. [In Portuguese].
21. (with Ana Paula Balthazar Tostes) Storytelling as a tool of active learning. Carta Internacional, v. 14, n. 2, 2019, 221-243. [In Portuguese].
20. (with Luiza Bizzo Affonso) The Role of Humanitarian Cooperation in Brazilian Foreign Policy as a Strategy of Soft Power (2003-2016). Austral: Brazilian Journal of Strategy & International Relations, v. 8, n. 15, 185-202, 2019.
19. (com Luiza Bizzo Affonso) O Papel da Cooperação Humanitária na Política Externa Brasileira como Estratégia de Soft Power (2003-2016). Austral: Brazilian Journal of Strategy & International Relations, v. 8, n. 15, p. 195-212, 2019.
18. (with Luiza Bizzo Affonso) The Politics of Humanitarian Interventions. Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval, v. 24, p. 435-462, 2018.
17. (with Luiza Bizzo) A Política das Intervenções Humanitárias. Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval 24 (2), 428-455, 2018. [In Portuguese]
16. (with Cristina Inoue) Active Learning Contributions to the Study of International Relations in Brazilian Universities. Meridiano 47, 2017. [In Portuguese]
15. (with Ana Paula Tostes) Theoretical Reflections on International Justice: Facing Hedley Bull. Revista Eletrônica do Curso de Direito da UFSM 12 (1), 237-254, 2017. [In Portuguese]
14. (with Yesa Ormond) “The United States And its Allies are on the Right Side of History”: the global war on terror and its discursive representations. Revista Mural Internacional 7 (2), 2017. [In Portuguese]
13. Brazilian Foreign Policy and Multilateralism: what to expect from the new government. Cadernos Adenauer, XVII (4), 45-59, 2016. [In Portuguese]
12. Policy Relevance or Epistemological Advances? Good signs for the Security Studies research field. Mundorama, n. 102, 2016. [In Portuguese]
11. (with Ana Paula Tostes) Brazilian international insertion trough the consolidation of norms of conflict prevention and protections of civilians in armed conflicts: possibilities from the Responsibility while Protecting. Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval, n. 21, v. 1, 2015, 63-82. [In Portuguese]
10. (with Gustavo Carvalho) Soft power, hard aspirations: Brazilian foreign policy strategies and the dilemmas of power projection. Brazilian Political Science Review, v. 8, 2014, 66-94.
9. The Mercosul Political Discourse: the binomial security-insecurity in the Brazil-Argentina Relations. Revista Sul-Americana de Ciência Política, v. 1, 2013, 77-90. [In Portuguese]
8. The Securitization of Mercosul: theoretical notes on regional security and the role of domestic groups on the stabilization and normalization of politics. Revista Mural International, Year III, n. 1, 2012, 37-44. [In Portuguese]
7. The Politics of Identity in the New Wars and the Social Construction of the Difference: some remarks on culture and identity. Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval, n. 17, 2012, 65-85. [In Portuguese]
6. Statebuilding through Liberal Means: thinking about challenges, contradictions, and the impacts of local and international players in postwar peace operations. International Studies Review 13 (3), 2011, 637-646.
5. (with Miriam G. Saraiva) Brazil: regional power with global interests. Dialogo Politico 4, dezembro de 2011, p. 99-119 (Argentina) [In Spanish].
4. The Syllabus Dilemma: combining theory and practice in an introductory course of Peace and Conflict Studies. Política Hoje, 20 (1), 2011, 7- 35. [In Portuguese]
3. Politics, Emancipation, and Humanitarianism: a critical reading of the English School over the issues of the humanitarian intervention. Contexto Internacional, 31(2), 2009, 319-349. [In Portuguese]
2. The Impact of Economical Factors in International Security Theories. Relações Internacionais no Mundo Atual, n. 10, 2009, 63-90. [In Portuguese]
1. The Challenges of the New Wars to UN Peacekeeping Operations. Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval, 13, 2009, 94-117. [In Portuguese]
1. (Edited volume with Cristina Inoue) International Relations in Brazil: active teaching, active learning, and other stories. Campina Grande: Editora Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, 2018. [In Portuguese]
*Chapters in Edited Volumes
19. VALENÇA, Marcelo M.; AFFONSO, Bizzo, Luiza. “Traditional Approaches to International Security: Realism and the Liberal Critique“. In: International Security: Political Theory and Strategic Thought. Rio de Janeiro: Freitas Bastos, 2024, p. 21-48. [In Portuguese]
18. DUARTE, D. E. ; VALENÇA, Marcelo M. A Case Study: Militarisation and controversies over security framing of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. In: Xavier Guillaume; Kyle Grayson. (Org.). Security Studies: Critical Perspectives. 1ed.New York: Oxford University Press, 2023, v. 1, p. 1-17.
17. VALENÇA, Marcelo M.; DUARTE, Daniel Edler. “The Sea as an Institution: A Constructivist Approach to Maritime Spaces”. In: Moreira, William de Sousa (ed.) Power and the Maritime Domain: A Global Dialogue. Routledge: London, 2023, p. 28-41.
16. AZZI, Veronica F. ;VALENÇA, Marcelo M. “Transnational threats, structural violence and militarization: promoting civil-military cooperation for peacebuilding”. In: Czymmeck, Anja (ed.) Does No War Mean Peace? International Security Strategies in a New Geopolitical World Order. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: Rio de Janeiro, 2021, p. 78-93.
15. VALENÇA, Marcelo M.; MENEZES, Soraya Fonteneles. “International Relations and the Sea: a perspective from international institutions”. In: ALMEIDA, F. E. Alves de; MOREIRA, W. M. Maritime Studies: visions and perspectives. RIo de Janeiro: Centro de Documentação da Marinha, 2021, p. 115-141.
14.INOUE, Cristina Yumie Aoki; ALAS, Jacqui de Matos; VALENÇA, Marcelo M. “Teaching IR in the Global South: Views from Brazil and the Global South”. In: James M. Scott, Ralph G. Carter, Brandy Jolliff Scott e Jeffrey S. Lantis (eds.) Teaching International Relations. Northampton: Edward Algar Publishing, 2021 p. 38-51. http://doi.org/10.4337/9781839107658.00010
13. (with Monique Sochaczewski). Brasil y el Multilateralismo: desde la tradición hasta los cambios radicales. In: Multilateralismo: perspectivas, Winfried Weck (ed.). Panama City: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2020, p. 39-53. [In Spanish]
12. (with Monique Sochaczewski). Brazilian Foreign Policy, Multilateralism, and Health Politics: a few notes. In: Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Democracia e Política Exterior em Tempos de Crise, Jamile Bergamaschine Mata Diz e Jorge Lasmar (eds.). Belo Horizonte: Arraes Editores, 2020, 264-288. [In Portuguese]
11. Global NATO and its impacts on the South Western Hemisphere Security. In: Novos Rumos Da Política Na União Europeia E Os Desdobramentos Na América Latina, Série Relações Brasil União Europeia v. 9, Reinaldo J Themoteo (ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Konrad Adenauer, 2020, p. 35-53. [In Portuguese]
10. Disciplinary Dungeon Master. Capítulo para o livro Pedagogical Journeys Through World Politics: Adventures in Teaching, Jamie Frueh (ed.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 209-218.
9. (with Soraya Fonteneles de Menezes). International Relations and the Sea: reflections on international institutions. In: Francisco Eduardo Alves de Almeida e William Moreira de Souza (eds.). Estudos Marítimos: teorias e métodos. São Paulo: Editora USP, 2019 , 123-150. [In Portuguese]
8. (with Rafael Zelesco Barretto). Remedial Secession as a solution for new armed conflicts: notes on theory and politics. In: Liliana Jubilut e Rachel de Oliveira Lopes (eds.). Direitos Humanos e Vulnerabilidades e Direito Humanitário. Boa Vista: Editora da Universidade Federal do Roraima, 2019, 151-176. [In Portuguese]
7. Contributions to Brazilian Foreign Policy from Conflict Prevention. In: Sérgio Eduardo Moreira Lima; Augusto W. M. Teixeira Júnior. (Orgs.). V Conferência sobre Relações Exteriores: O Brasil e as tendências do cenário internacional. 1ed., Brasília: Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, 2018, 149-172. [In Portuguese]
6. (with Manoela Assayag). Simulations and Learning in International Relations. In: Marcelo M. Valença e Cristina Inoue (eds.). International Relations in Brazil: active teaching, active learning, and other stories. Campina Grande: Editora Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, 2018. [In Portuguese]
5. (with Cristina Inoue). Teaching IR in Brazil. In: Marcelo M. Valença e Cristina Inoue (eds.). International Relations in Brazil: active teaching, active learning, and other stories, Campina Grande: Editora Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, 2018. [In Portuguese]
4. Political Realism. In: Ricardo B. Weber and Cristiane Romeo (eds.). Manual de Teorias de Relações Internacionais. Forthcoming. [In Portuguese]
3. The role of International Law in the current upsurge of conflicts. Capítulo para o livro Might and Right in World Politics, Jan Woischnik (ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Konrad Adenauer, 2016, 39-51.
2. The Imperatives and Hazards of Humanitarian Intervention. In: Felix Dane (ed.). International Security: a European-South American Dialogue. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Konrad Adenauer, 2014, 341-359.
1. (with Fernando Malta) The Amazonian borders and the South American regional integration. In: Clovis Brigagão (ed.). América Latina e os Conflitos Fronteiriços. Rio de Janeiro: GAPCon, 2010. [In Portuguese]
*Reports and working papers
4. (with Miriam Gomes Saraiva) Brazilian Foreign Policy and its International Aspirations: a project marked by its continuity. CEBRI Artigos, Vol. 1, Year VII, n. 32 p., 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [In Portuguese]
3. (with Susanne Gratius) Urban Violence in Caracas and Rio de Janeiro: local and European responses. Initiative for Peacebuilding, FRIDE, 25 p., dezembro de 2011, Madri. Versão traduzida para o português
2. (with Leonardo P. Neves e Christiane Sauerbronn) Bolivia: the role of civil society. GAPCon Working Paper Series, 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1. (com Paulo G. O. Ramos) A Questão Nuclear nas Relações Diplomáticas Brasil-Estados Unidos. Série IRI Textos 26, 2004, 22 p., Rio de Janeiro
* Book reviews
2. Electing to Fight: why emerging democracies go to war. Contexto Internacional, 28 (2), 2006, p. 567-577 [In Portuguese].
1. Taming the Sovereigns. Contexto Internacional 27 (2), 2005, p. 465-478 [In Portuguese].